<script lang="ts">
import { page } from "$app/stores";
import { Pagination, Button, type PaginationItemProps } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
let activeUrl = $state($page.url.searchParams.get("page"));
let pages = $state([
{ name: "1", href: "/components/pagination?page=1", active: false },
{ name: "2", href: "/components/pagination?page=2", active: false },
{ name: "3", href: "/components/pagination?page=3", active: false },
{ name: "4", href: "/components/pagination?page=4", active: false },
{ name: "5", href: "/components/pagination?page=5", active: false }
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
let pagenationSize: PaginationItemProps["size"] = $state("default");
const changeSize = () => {
pagenationSize = pagenationSize === "large" ? "default" : "large";
const changeActivePage = () => {
pages.forEach((page) => {
let splitUrl = page.href?.split("?");
let queryString = splitUrl?.slice(1).join("?");
const hrefParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
let hrefValue = hrefParams.get("page");
if (hrefValue === activeUrl) { = true;
} else { = false;
$effect(() => {
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<div class="h-12">
<Pagination {pages} {previous} {next} size={pagenationSize} />
<Button onclick={changeSize}>
{#if pagenationSize === "default"}
<script lang="ts">
import { page } from "$app/stores";
import { Pagination } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
let activeUrl = $state($page.url.searchParams.get("page"));
let pages = $state([
{ name: "1", href: "/components/pagination?page=1", active: false },
{ name: "2", href: "/components/pagination?page=2", active: false },
{ name: "3", href: "/components/pagination?page=3", active: false },
{ name: "4", href: "/components/pagination?page=4", active: false },
{ name: "5", href: "/components/pagination?page=5", active: false }
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const handleClick = () => {
alert("Page clicked");
$effect(() => {
pages.forEach((page) => {
let splitUrl = page.href.split("?");
let queryString = splitUrl.slice(1).join("?");
const hrefParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
let hrefValue = hrefParams.get("page");
if (hrefValue === activeUrl) { = true;
} else { = false;
pages = pages;
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<Pagination {pages} {previous} {next} onclick={handleClick} />
<script lang="ts">
import { Pagination } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
import { ChevronLeftOutline, ChevronRightOutline } from "flowbite-svelte-icons";
let pages = $state([
{ name: "1", href: "/components/pagination?page=1", active: false },
{ name: "2", href: "/components/pagination?page=2", active: false },
{ name: "3", href: "/components/pagination?page=3", active: false },
{ name: "4", href: "/components/pagination?page=4", active: false },
{ name: "5", href: "/components/pagination?page=5", active: false }
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<Pagination {pages} {previous} {next}>
{#snippet prevContent()}
<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
<ChevronLeftOutline class="h-5 w-5" />
{#snippet nextContent()}
<span class="sr-only">Next</span>
<ChevronRightOutline class="h-5 w-5" />
Previous and next
<script lang="ts">
import { PaginationItem } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<div class="flex space-x-3 rtl:space-x-reverse">
<PaginationItem onclick={previous}>Previous</PaginationItem>
<PaginationItem onclick={next}>Next</PaginationItem>
Previous and next with icons
Showing 1 to 10 of 100 Entries
<script lang="ts">
import { Pagination } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
import { ArrowLeftOutline, ArrowRightOutline } from "flowbite-svelte-icons";
let helper = { start: 1, end: 10, total: 100 };
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-2">
<div class="text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
Showing <span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{helper.start}</span>
<span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{helper.end}</span>
<span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{}</span>
<Pagination table {previous} {next}>
{#snippet prevContent()}
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 bg-gray-800 text-white">
<ArrowLeftOutline class="me-2 h-5 w-5" />
{#snippet nextContent()}
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 bg-gray-800 text-white">
<ArrowRightOutline class="ms-2 h-5 w-5" />
Table data pagination
Showing 1 to 10 of 100 Entries
<script lang="ts">
import { Pagination } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
let helper = { start: 1, end: 10, total: 100 };
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-2">
<div class="text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
Showing <span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{helper.start}</span>
<span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{helper.end}</span>
<span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{}</span>
<Pagination table {previous} {next} />
<Pagination table size="large" {previous} {next} />
Table data with icons
Showing 1 to 10 of 100 Entries
<script lang="ts">
import { Pagination } from 'svelte-5-ui-lib';
import { ArrowLeftOutline, ArrowRightOutline } from "flowbite-svelte-icons";
const previous = () => {
alert("Previous btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
const next = () => {
alert("Next btn clicked. Make a call to your server to fetch data.");
let helper = { start: 1, end: 10, total: 100 };
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-2">
<div class="text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
Showing <span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{helper.start}</span>
<span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{helper.end}</span>
<span class="font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">{}</span>
<Pagination table {previous} {next}>
{#snippet prevContent()}
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 bg-gray-800 text-white">
<ArrowLeftOutline class="me-2 h-5 w-5" />
{#snippet nextContent()}
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 bg-gray-800 text-white">
<ArrowRightOutline class="ms-2 h-5 w-5" />